Informational Meeting: Drainage Improvement Projects at Vintage

Informational Meeting: Drainage Improvement Projects at Vintage Date: Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Town Hall Engineers from the city and contractor will discuss planned [...]

S’MORES AND MOVIES AT FOUNDERS TONIGHT!!! The teen movie at 8pm will be Love and Monsters, this movie is rated PG-13 so please send your kids at your discretion. The first movie in the park is [...]

Vintage Township HOA Board Meeting (April 2021)

Vintage Township HOA Board Meeting Agenda April 13th, 2021 Call to Order Introduction of new HOA Board Members Establish quorum Property Management Proposal Presentation – Hawkize Property [...]


Wednesday April 7th – Live Music and River Smiths food truck at The Commons from 6-8pm. Hope to see everyone there!

HOA Board Update

HOA Board Update (04-05-2021): As most of you are aware, due to recent resignations, there are four open HOA Board seats, as well as the HOA Manager position. There are a number of time sensitive [...]