september, 2020

08sep7:00 pmSeptember HOA Board Meeting

Event Details

HOA board meeting September 8th 7:00 PM at Town Hall
Residents are welcome to attend but this is not an open forum so if you would like to be added to the agenda, please contact 806 782 4294 or
Each resident that has requested time on the agenda may speak for up to five minutes. A manager or member of the board may give a brief response. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum. Speakers may not transfer their time to others.

NOTICE OF THE MEETING: An open meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vintage Township Homeowners Association will be held at 7:00pm on September 1st at Town Hall. The following items will be on the agenda for the meeting:


Call to Order

Establish Quorum

Resident Comments. Each resident present that has requested time on the agenda may express their concerns for up to five (5) minutes. A manager or member of the board may give a brief response. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum. Speakers may not transfer their time to others.

Note the approval of the August minutes by email

Financial Report

Old Business


Lawncare Update

New Business

DRB email utilization

USPS package delivery issue

Concrete Pineapples Placement

Pool closing date

Review flower bids

Upcoming nominations for 2021 – 2022 board positions

Executive Session

Violations & Enforcements

Legal Issues


(Tuesday) 7:00 pm

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