Notice to residents: The Vintage Township HOA Board of Directors announces a Board meeting scheduled prior to special assembly. HOA Board Meeting Tuesday, November 8 6:30 PM Agenda: [...]
Informational Meeting: Drainage Improvement Projects at Vintage Date: Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Town Hall Engineers from the city and contractor will discuss planned [...]
S’MORES AND MOVIES AT FOUNDERS TONIGHT!!! The teen movie at 8pm will be Love and Monsters, this movie is rated PG-13 so please send your kids at your discretion. The first movie in the park is [...]
HOA Board Update (04-05-2021): As most of you are aware, due to recent resignations, there are four open HOA Board seats, as well as the HOA Manager position. There are a number of time sensitive [...]