The Vintage Township Halloween Party will be Tuesday October 30th from 5:00PM to 7:00PM at the Town Hall and The Commons. Food Trucks! Bouncy House! Bring a dessert to share and a carved pumpkin [...]
Thank you to the five wonderful nominees who ran for the board positions. All of them would be an asset to the board. Congratulations to Rocky Holly who will be joining the board in January and [...]
The HOA Board has received five great nominations who will run for the two seats opening up for 2019/2020. HOA BOARD ELECTIONS AND TOWN HALL MEETING October 9th 7:00 PM at Town Hall The board [...]
SALISBURY PARK: This coming Friday, October 5th, we will be getting a delivery of mulch for the playground at Salisbury Park. We will need volunteers with wheel borrows to help distribute this [...]