Vintage Township HOA Board Meeting
Town Hall
Tuesday May 12th @ 7:00PM
Call to Order
Open time for residents not on the agenda to speak.
Approval of Minutes
Financial Review
Old Business –
Violations and Enforcement
Pool Area
Neighborhood Safety
Legal Issues
New Business –
Neighborhood Events
Other Business
TO: Residents of Vintage Township
RE: HOA Board Meeting
The next VT HOA Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm at Town Hall and this meeting will resume to its format used as in previous HOA meetings where residents are invited to attend. The first twenty (20) minutes of the meeting will be for any residents who want to address the Board and who have not made prior requests with the HOA Manager to be on the Agenda; individual time allowed will be determined by dividing the twenty minutes equally among those attending and asking to speak. Following these twenty minutes, those residents who have made prior requests with the HOA Manager to address the Board and who are on the Agenda are allowed to speak. Following these residential concerns, the Board will ask everyone to leave and the Board will discuss items that involve proprietary information within the community in which the Board reserves the right to maintain the privacy and respect of the residents and to avoid embarrassment of any residents.
This process is in place for residents of Vintage Township to share their concerns about any aspect of residential management with the Vintage Township HOA Board members.
The HOA Board members were elected by the residents to allow the Board members to act on behalf of the residents of Vintage Township within the Bylaws of Vintage Township and in compliance with the City, State, and Federal Governmental rules, laws, and orders. The Board members, while serving the residents of Vintage Township on a non-paying, volunteer basis, remain residents of the neighborhood no different from the other residents.
Every resident in Vintage Township deserves the right to enjoy the neighborhood equally.
We are privileged to have a wonderful and dedicated HOA Board at Vintage Township who continue to volunteer their time to represent the residents of Vintage Township in the residents’ best interest.
Vintage Township HOA Board”
If you have any questions or comments please contact the HOA Board at helenotto@ or 806 782 4294
Thank You