NOTICE OF THE MEETING: An open meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vintage Township Homeowners Association will be held at 7:00pm on August 11th at Town Hall. The following items will be on the agenda for the meeting:
Call to Order
- Establish Quorum
- President’s Report
- Board member resignations
- New Board Directors
- HOA Manager resignation
- Board Member Nominees acceptance and introductions
- Vote
- Resident Comments. Each resident present that has requested time on the agenda may express their concerns for up to five (5) minutes. A manager or member of the board may give a brief response. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum. Speakers may not transfer their time to others.
- Presentation of New Board Members
- Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes
- Financial Report
- Old Business
- Pool Update
- Neighborhood Safety
- New Business
- Emails
- Neighborhood Events
- New Co-Chairs
- Repairs
- Piper Park
- Tree Care
- Agenda/Minutes posting changes
- Executive Session
- Violations and Enforcement
- Legal Issues
- HOA Manager Replacement
- Adjourn