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NOTICE OF THE MEETING: An open meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vintage Township Homeowners Association will be held at 7:00pm on August 11th at Town Hall. The following items will be on the agenda for the meeting:


Call to Order

  1. Establish Quorum
  • President’s Report
    1. Board member resignations
    2. New Board Directors
    3. HOA Manager resignation
    4. Board Member Nominees acceptance and introductions
    5. Vote
  1. Resident Comments. Each resident present that has requested time on the agenda may express their concerns for up to five (5) minutes. A manager or member of the board may give a brief response. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum. Speakers may not transfer their time to others.
  1. Presentation of New Board Members
  1. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes
  • Financial Report
  • Old Business
    1. Pool Update
    2. Neighborhood Safety
  1. New Business
    1. Emails
    2. Neighborhood Events
      1. New Co-Chairs
    3. Repairs
    4. Piper Park
    5. Tree Care
    6. Agenda/Minutes posting changes
  1. Executive Session
    1. Violations and Enforcement
    2. Legal Issues
    3. HOA Manager Replacement
  1. Adjourn
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