In Updates

Vintage Township Residents,

We wanted to reach out to you today to update you on the changes of the current board officers and the decision to move forward with filling the current vacant Vintage HOA Board positions.  With the exit of the President and Vice President positions, and these positions being passed down we have reorganized and voted on the the officer assignments among the remaining board members.  Your officer assignments for the remainder of 2020 are as follows:

President/Treasurer – Carlos Morales

Vice President – BJ McKinley

Secretary – Lisa Burgess

Your Vintage HOA Board has also decided it is in our best interest to move forward with filling the 2 current vacant positions. Both of these board positions had a term that expired at the end of 2020.  For those vintage residents that are voted into these spots, they will serve out the remaining term of 2020.  If those individuals decide they want to continue to serve, they will have to run again when nominations and voting is held for the new 2-year terms to start in 2021. 

With that said, we are opening up the nomination process to fill these board positions.  We invite all that are interested in serving in a leadership position to take action in preserving the culture of this neighborhood and collaborating with others to continue to keep Vintage Township the awesome neighborhood that we all love. Nominations will be taken starting today, July 16th, through July 31st. We will then contact all residents that are nominated, to assure they are interested in running, and then open the email voting process to start on August 3rd and end August 10th.  For those that would like to wait, you will have an opportunity to attend the HOA board meeting on August 11th to hear from the potential board members and then vote in person. 

Please send all nominations to the HOA board email address – 

Vintage Township HOA Board

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