NEWS UPDATE: March 29 at 7:59 PMLUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) – Mayor Pope issued a Stay At Home order on Sunday, in response to the rising number of cases spread by “healthy carriers.”The order is effective from midnight Sunday, March 29 through Friday, April 3. The order requires that citizens don’t leave their homes unless they go to the grocery store, see a health provider or to pick up food.Citizens can leave home to take care of pets or people who rely on them for their well-being. You can also leave home to acquire critical supplies to maintain your household.Prohibits public or private gatherings of any size outside of one single household. City parks and golf courses will be open but the city expects people to practice social distancing.
One of our residents sent the following text to me today to pass along. The HOA Board agreed it should be posted:
Helen, as a physician and seeing how the hospitals have been strained lately, it is really difficult to watch every day from my window the huge gatherings at Founder’s Park including a large group of 20-30 Cross Fitters yesterday. I am concerned about the well-being of the residents in the neighborhood and overall the citizens of Lubbock . This is a serious illness and needs to be taken very seriously — trust me, we are in the hospital every day and have seen the direct and indirect impact of this pandemic.
Going out and walking with your nuclear family, riding bikes, etc. is all okay but the large gatherings are dangerous even if they are outside . The plastic equipment at the park particularly can harbor a viable virus for up to 4 days at certain temperatures.
I know it’s hard for kids. I have three of my own that I have to keep under reigns, especially my 2 year old who sees the playground from our window and wants to go out every day
and even if the younger kids themselves aren’t the highest risk, we have a lot of older residents that are. I think we all just need to use common sense and be considerate of others as much as possible. The CDC has made clear recommendations regarding social gatherings of more than 10 people and keeping safe distances.

If you have any questions or comments please contact Helen at 806 782 4294 or or the HOA board at
Thank You