Happy Valentine’s Day 2020 from the Vintage Township HOA Board Members.
In order for you to better know your HOA Board Members, beginning this month, and each month thereafter, we are going to profile one of the HOA Board Members.
Rocky Holly is the President of the Vintage Township HOA:
My wife, Dottie, and I have lived in Vintage Township for two and a half years, and we love living here, and we think we are blessed to be here. The residents of Vintage Township have welcomed us into the community and getting to know more and more of the “Vintage Township Family” at the various activities has been so rewarding to us. We are convinced that Vintage Township is the “choice” housing location in Lubbock and we are thankful that we are a part of it. As 2020 continues, we look forward to meeting the residents whom we have not yet met, so let’s all get involved in supporting the Vintage Township Manager and the various committees within our community, so we all can enjoy and appreciate the blessings of living in such a great community with so many wonderful people.
I look forward to meeting you!
Rocky Holly
President of Vintage Township HOA
PRESCHOOL STORY AND CRAFT TIME/KIDS BOOK EXCHANGE: We are starting a monthly preschool story and craft time for Vintage residents and family members. We will meet THIS FRIDAY, Feb. 7th at 10am in the Town Hall. We will read a couple of books, do a craft and have a snack. It should last about an hour or so. We will start a children’s book exchange also. It will be available during story time. Please bring any extra books that you would like to donate to the exchange. Please RSVP on our website www.vintagetownship.net The rsvp is in the calendar in the resident portal.
We would like to get a headcount on the number of kids that will be there to make sure we have enough supplies. If anyone would like to help with this monthly activity please contact Lisa Burgess at 806-778-2317.
RESIDENT DIRECTORY: We have extending the deadline for advertisements to Friday. Here is the link https://forms.gle/oSLidgUKnVvicfET7
MAGIC SHOW AND CHASE FROM PAW PATROL: THIS SUNDAY February 9th at 3:00pm at Vintage Township Town Hall. Join us for a Magic Show with Special Guest, Chase from Paw Patrol! A show your kids are sure to enjoy in our own neighborhood. Light snacks and drinks will be served. This event is for residents and their families.
FEBRUARY BOOK CLUB: From Lisa Burgess: The ladies Book Club will meet Monday, February 10th at 8pm at Debbie Bateman’s house. 11408 Trafalgar Ave. The book we are reading this month is A Spark Of Light by Jodi Picoult. The charity Debbie picked for this month is UMC Pedi/ Picu. We will be providing Valentine goodie bags for 30 children. The cost is $8 per child. Debbie has already bought the supplies and the ladies will put the bags together at book club. Since this project is more costly we are asking for sponsors for the goodie bags. If you would like to help us with this project you can drop off your donation to Debbie or me at 11522 Trafalgar. Thank you for being such caring neighbors!
FEBRUARY HOA BOARD MEETING: February 11th at Town Hall. Residents are welcome to attend but this is not an open forum. If you would like to be added to the agenda, please contact Helen at 806 782 4294 or helenotto@vintagetownship.net of the HOA board at myvintagehoa@yahoo.com
COFFEE MORNING: Wednesday February 19th 10AM at Town Hall. This is an opportunity for our retired or more mature residents to get together. If you are new to Vintage Township this is a great way to get to meet your neighbors. If you plan on attending please text or email me.
if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 806 782 4294, helenotto@vintagetownship.net or the HOA Board at myvintagehoa@yahoo.com