In Updates
COFFEE MORNING CANCELLED FOR WEDNESDAY: It seems like most are busy with family and Christmas so we will have our next coffee morning in January.
Due to some changes in the delivery to our garbage men, we’re going to have to change how we collect the thank you gift cards. Please drop them off at Kay Shepard’s house 4621 118th. (You can leave them under her doormat). If you have any questions please feel free to message me Becky Koehler! You can drop off now through next Friday.
CHRISTMAS CAROLS AT FOUNDER PARK: Saturday December 21st, our resident, Mr. Ken Lege, will continue our neighborhood tradition and sing Christmas Carols at Founders Park from 6PM to 9PM.
VINTAGE TOWNSHIP RESIDENT DIRECTORY: It is time for a new updated directory. This is a hard copy directory where residents have the opportunity to have their contact information and a family photo included if they wish. If you would like to be included please click or copy this link to post your information. We hope to have the directory published in early 2020. We are hoping we will get enough sponsorship to cover the cost. If you own a business please consider advertising in this directory. I will send out sponsorship information later in the year.
Thank you.
If you have any questions or comments you can contact Helen Otto at 806 782 4294, or the board at
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