POOL OPENING MAY 18TH AT 10am – The pool season will kick off on opening day with our Annual Pool Party. The Local Nobody’s will play live from 5:00PM to 7:00PM. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served at 5:30PM. Water and Capri suns will be provided or BYOB (no glass please). Feel free to bring a side or dessert to share. Please bring a utensil to serve if needed. If you plan on attending YOU MUST RSVP BY THURSDAY MAY 16TH with the number of your family attending and to get a ticket for a free Kona Ice – they will start serving at 5:30pm. You will find the event under the calendar and you RSVP there. If you are having problems with the RSVP on your phone, please try from a computer. If that does not work please email events@vintagetownship.net
POOL RENTAL: The pool is available for residents to rent on Monday evenings from 6:0PM to 9:00PM for their own private parties. We do not rent the pool to non-residents. The rate is $100 and a $50 cleaning deposit. The deposit is fully refunded provided the pool is left as found. I will update the calendar today so you can see what dates are available to rent. For further information on inviting guests or booking a semi private party, please see the pool rules in the resident portal of this website below under ‘documents’.
MAY HOA BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, May 14th at 7PM. Residents are welcome to attend, however please remember this is not an open forum. If you wish to be added to the agenda, please let me know.
COFFEE MORNING: Several of you have mentioned that you would like to attend but Thursday doesn’t work out for you. If you attend or would like to attend the Coffee Mornings, would you please email me and let me know what days of the week work out best for you. helenotto@vintagetownship.net Maybe we can find a better day that would suite most. Currently, we have the coffee mornings on the third Thursday of each month at Town Hall.
ANNUAL PORCH SALE : June 1st from 8:00AM to 11:00AM.
If you have any question or comments, please contact me at 806 782 4294 or helenotto@vintagetownship.net or the HOA Board at myvintagehoa@yah.com
Thank you