Happy New Year!
Saturday January 4th the mailbox area will be re-stained starting at approximately 2:00PM. We expect that the mail will have been delivered by then. You will have limited access to your mailbox while they are working on it. Everything will have to be covered so there will be no over spray. They will continue to work on it on Sunday and Monday morning. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but this needs to be done and the weather this weekend is ideal.
JANUARY BOARD MEETING: The January HOA board meeting will be next Thursday the 10th at 7PM at Town Hall. Residents are welcome to attend, however please remember this is not an open forum. If you wish to be added to the agenda, please contact me.
JANUARY COFFEE MORNING will be on the 17th 10:00AM at Town Hall. This is an opportunity for our retired or more mature residents to get together. If you are new to Vintage Township this is a great way to get to meet neighbors.
SOMETHING NEW: Sunday January 27th at 3:00PM we will have a MAGIC SHOW for the kids followed by an appearance of PAW PATROL! This is a Vintage Township event for residents and their families only. I will send more details closer to the time.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: Just a reminder that if you want to make any exterior changes to your house you must get prior approval from the DRB. You can contact me with the details
If you have any questions or comments please contact me at 806 782 4294 or helenotto@vintagetownship.net or the HOA board at myvintagehoa@yahoo.com