I will be away from July 28th to August 5th. I don’t anticipate having phone or internet service where I am going. If you have an urgent matter you can email the HOA board at myvintagehoa@yahoo.com If you contact me while I am away, I will get back to you as soon as I can on my return.
The calendar this webpage has been updated and the June HOA board meeting minutes have been posted to the top of the documents page.
BALLET IN FOUNDERS PARK AUGUST 3RD 9:30AM TO 10:30AM. Ballet Lubbock is offering a free introductory class to Vintage Township residents. Enjoy an hour of outdoor fitness for the whole family. Bring a towel, water and sunscreen. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes you can dance in. Thank you to Nick Dragga for organizing this.
ROOF REPAIR: FYI – Next Monday the repairs will start on the roofs of the Brownstone Homes, the Town Homes, Town Hall and the mailbox areas.
POOL: We are having problems with people propping open the pool gates and leaving them open. On Tuesday it was propped open by a little girl and was kept open for hours. If you see the pool gates open, would you please close them? Be sure that they close after you enter and leave. We do appreciate your cooperation with this.
As always, the pool will be closed this Monday the 30th and there is a private rental in the evening.
AQUA FITNESS CLASS: Next week’s is cancelled as there is no instructor available. The next class will be August 9th.
If you have any questions or comments you can contact me at 806 782 4294, helenotto@vintagetownship.net or the board at myvintagehoa@yahoo.com.
Thank you!